Sunday 11 June 2017

Update, June 11, 2017

This update is later than I had expected, but here we go. My next trip will be within Canada ; A visit to the Western provinces, which I briefly spoke about in my last blog. I can report that it will be somewhat more interesting than indications were in May.

I have a  Polish lawyer friend who lives in Warsaw, that will join me for the western travels, so she can see the Canadian Rocky Mountains. This lady was my tour guide when I was in Warsaw five years ago, on my way around the world. She came to Canada in September 2014, and I was able to show her the sights from Niagara Falls to Quebec City. We keep in contact rather frequently, and are in the finishing phase of setting the details for a travel that will go from August 17 to 31 inclusive.

My friend, Agata will arrive in Toronto August 17 at one in the afternoon, on an Air Canada flight from Warsaw. (I had absolutely nothing to do with the Air Canada booking). She could not get a good flight to Edmonton, Alberta from her home city.  I will take a Via train from Ottawa to Toronto on the same date, departing here at six in the morning and arriving at the morning if Via is anywhere near on time. I will report that detail in the fall. There is a rather new ( two year, about),fast train from Toronto's Union Station to the airport. This protects travelers from being ripped off by the taxi industry. At first, it was going to be a government rip of, of twenty eight dollars a ride, but not many average people would use it, so the government ordered their minions to reduce the fare to nine dollars, and now it is doing good....not bad for a 20 minute ride. It will be the first time I have used this service.

We will fly to Edmonton on 18th, and use a rental car to drive to the Ft St John and Dawson Creek area of Northern British Columbia. After about three days there, we will go south into the mountains and tour there until the 30th day of August. on that day, we return to Edmonton, return the car and fly back to Toronto. We both return home on August 31.

I joined the so called, Mile High Club during my recent return from Asia when I surpassed the 2000
hours in an airplane magic number. That is over 83 days, at 24 hours each.
I do not expect to do any update until probably early August. The number of contacts to this site is just over 7500. Thank you all for your interest. I hope to have an expert on Windows 10 help me to post photos from this upcoming adventure. Talk to you in August.