Friday 12 April 2024

Ottawa, April 12, 2024

 Hello All;  I am doing an update as best I can, but do not have any firm plans to travel at this time.

Two Days ago, I went to the Passport office here and applied for another ten year passport, which I should have in about four weeks. My old passport expired at the end of January, 2025. As many of you will know, most countries require that your passport be valid for al least six months AFTER you plan to depart their country. Therefore, I had to get a new passport for any fall travel.

I have several family members from western Canada who have indicated their desire to come here during this summer...nothing certain yet. I also have a friend from Poland who plans to do a quick holiday here, however again, no time frame for that.

My friend in Istanbul must find a new school for Hussian, so she is busy with that ordeal. From the time they returned to Turkiye, Hussian had to attend a private school, of which there are a few, but all with limited space. He now must move on, and time will tell the results there. The rule requires children who are not fluent in the Turkish language to attend private schools. The Public schools are closed to them.

It is my intention to travel to Istanbul sometime later on in the year, maybe late August or September. My friends from Thailand would meet me there, and save that rather long trip for others to do. The BIG problem in all this , is the fact that everyone is being warned about visiting the Middle East at this could blow up into a larger war at any time. The pacific option for Thailand is also not a good one as North Korea is making threats again. So, for now, I will stay home and help where I can here.

I will do an update when I have some concrete plans for myself and others. Thank you.